Bringing Business Solutions to Life Course Page

Mindmap of Course Topics

Requirements Discovery Canvas for SOS
The Requirements Discovery Canvas is a visual tool that helps teams discover and organise software requirements. Inspired by the Business Model Canvas, it provides a framework for collaboration, that can be used by both agile and traditional software development teams.

The SOS has been summarised using the requirements Discovery Canvas here.

Balanced Score Card

UI Design

Service Design


Use Case Diagram for SOS
The use case diagram in the course notes suffers from a number of problems. A revised version is shown below.

In this example I have made better use of "include" and "extend" relationships between use cases.

The "include" relationship shows the unconditional inclusion of an external use case. It can be viewed as "inserting" use case steps into a scenario.

The "extend" relationship shows the conditional inclusion of an external use case (note the conditions such as "no customer number of purchase order" that have been added to the "extend" relationships in the diagram). It can be viewed as an external alternate scenario.

In the SOS case study, both types of relationship have effectively been used to "decompose" the functionality of the system. Some authors and experts warn against this.

The diagram also includes some of the problems mentioned in the case study.